Website Terms of Use and Legal Restrictions
These Terms represent the entire understanding relating to the use of the site and prevail over any prior or contemporaneous, conflicting, or additional communications. The TRAFFIC INJURY RESEARCH FOUNDATION (“TIRF”) may revise these Terms at any time by updating this posting. You should visit this page from time to time to review the current Terms because they are binding on you. Certain provisions of these Terms may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or Terms located on particular pages at this site.
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This website contains road safety research and information about road safety that is intended, but not guaranteed, to be correct and up-to-date. This website is provided as an educational service to the public. This website does not endorse, promote, or encourage the use of any particular product or service.
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Use of this site
Terms and Conditions
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Copyright 2016 by Traffic Injury Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
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Information contained on the site
Legal advice
The information is not presented as a source of legal advice. You should not rely, for legal advice, on statements or representations made within the website or by any externally referenced Internet sites. If you need legal advice upon which you intend to rely in the course of your legal affairs, consult a competent, licensed, independent attorney.
Authors referenced
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Contacting us
If there are any questions regarding our terms of use and legal restrictions please contact us.